“Fear”, by Cecilé Carre

Relating Languages: Stress and Safety in Connection

Sara Ness
7 min readApr 5, 2021


This is Article 2 of a series on the new communication typology Relating Languages, developed by Sara Ness of Authentic Revolution. You can find Article 1 here.

Why is it that sometimes we can be our “best selves” — grounded, connected, and aware — and sometimes, we’re a total relational mess?

Personality typing systems give us a general concept of who we are. I’m an “Enneagram 7” — enthusiastic, scattered, and adventuresome. I’m an “ENFP” — extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting. These systems have helped me understand myself, but they sometimes break down in relationship to other humans. Then, I seem to be not one type but many.

Why do I sometimes feel extroverted, and other times want to hide? Why am I intuitive when I feel clear on my role, and totally blocked when the situation feels chaotic or unclear?

I think we need a new system to complement those we have. A system that deals specifically with communication types, and how they change, and how they interact. A system that I call the Relating Languages.

In this article, I’ll talk about a specific aspect of the Languages: how you change which one you’re using depending on your subjective perception of…



Sara Ness

I am an instigator of authenticity, ninja of connection, and awkward turtle of social situations. www.authrev.org