“Inner Child”, by Alexander Milov

The Relating Languages, or Why We Don’t All Just Get Along

Sara Ness
7 min readMar 27, 2021


Hi, I’m Sara, and I am an awkwardvert.

An “awkwardvert” (self-titled) is a mix of extrovert tendencies with a lot of social anxiety. I want to meet you, but I also want to run away. I have always struggled with, and searched for, answers to the following questions:

What are the rules for relating? The unspoken social norms that everyone seems to understand? The right words to use? The right activities to offer? The amount I should speak, or listen?

These constant curiosities led me to become a connection teacher. Who better to teach communication than someone who has parsed it out of need? I teach mostly through facilitation, leading others to discover their own norms and way of being. Over the last decade, I’ve found something interesting.

I tried to come up with universal “rules” of behavior. Yet, people are different (profound realization, I know). Some like small talk, some judge it. Some ask questions, some never do. Some talk for long periods of time, others are often silent.

Being a brainy type, the next question for me was: “Ah, but are there distinct WAYS we are different? Ways that, if understood, could allow us to relate with absolutely anybody?”



Sara Ness

I am an instigator of authenticity, ninja of connection, and awkward turtle of social situations. www.authrev.org